

Cleveland Clinic’s Respiratory Institute provides a full range of advanced diagnostic and interventional bronchoscopy techniques. The institute has some of the world’s most extensive experience with:

  • Electromagnetic navigation
  • Robotic Bronchoscopy
  • Endobronchial ultrasound
  • Lung transplant-related airway disease
  • Airway stenting including Custom 3D airway stenting
  • Tracheobronchomalacia
  • Management of airway complications due to histoplasmosis
  • Benign airway diseases
  • Metallic stent removal
  • Management of Bronchopleural Fistula
  • Lung Volume Reduction for Emphysema
  • Pleural Disease and Indwelling pleural catheter management
  • Cervical and Supraclavicular FNAs
  • Foreign Body Removal

Cleveland Clinic Respiratory Medicine hosts podcasts series available on all major platforms including Apple, Google, Soundcloud and Spotify; click on a link below to find and listen to the following podcast:

‘Tracheobronchomalacia and Excessive Dynamic Airway Collapse’ hosted by Daniel Culver, DO, Chair, Pulmonary Medicine, with guest, Thomas Gildea, MD, Director, Bronchology at Cleveland Clinic.

Bronchoscopic Lung Volume Reduction Program

Since the inception of the program in 2019, 44 patients were found to be good candidates for the bronchoscopic lung volume reduction procedure (BLVR). Among these, 8 patients had evidence of collateral ventilation during the procedure and did not receive endobronchial valve therapy. Ten patients had to have endobronchial valves removed due to intolerance or lack of benefit. There were 13 episodes of pneumothoraces with no periprocedural mortality.

Improvement in Lung Function and Exertional Capacity

Patients who underwent BLVR procedure at Cleveland Clinic between 2019 and 2023 showed improvement in lung function, as measured by forced exhaled volume in 1 second and residual volume and exertional capacity, as measured by 6-minute walk distance.

Improvement in Lung Function - Prebronchodilator

2019 - 2023

Patients who underwent BLVR procedure at Cleveland Clinic between 2019 and 2023 showed improvement in lung function, as measured by forced exhaled volume in 1 second and residual volume and exertional capacity, as measured by 6-minute walk distance.

Baseline N = 262 Years N = 46 Months N = 141 Year N = FEV₁ (L) (Mean ± SD)

BLVR = bronchoscopic lung volume reduction, FEV₁ = forced exhaled volume in 1 second

Improvement in Lung Function - Residual Volume

2019 - 2023

Baseline N = 262 Years N = 36 Months N = 121 Year N = 70612345Residual volume (L) (Mean± SD)
Improvement in Exertional Capacity

2019 - 2023

Baseline N = 262 Years N = 36 Months N = 141 Year N = 90350501001502002503006-minute Walk Test (Meters) (Mean ± SD)